COVID 19 and disability hearings
Before COVID-19, almost all hearings were in person or at video-teleconference centers run by Social Security. When the pandemic began, Social Security switched to phone hearings. In 2021, Social Security also added video hearings via Microsoft Teams (similar to zoom), which allows people to conduct a video hearing from home.
Now, Social Security has returned to in person hearings, with some COVID restrictions (masking, distancing). But they are still doing many hearings virtually, by either phone or video. Before your hearing is scheduling, Social Security will send out a special form to determine which type of hearing you would prefer.
Everyone is entitled to a hearing in person. Some people prefer a phone or video hearing, as it saves time and avoids having to drive to the hearing office, deal with traffic, and deal with parking. Talk to us about how you would prefer your hearing, or let us know if you have any questions about which type of hearing is best!